Maintaining and Sharing Records

To view your uploaded records, click on the number of records for the relevant image. This will open a report of your data that administrators can edit, delete or share:

• Editing and deleting records – data can be edited either individually (by clicking on the pencil icon in the relevant row) or by selecting multiple records and choosing Edit from the bottom of the report. Similarly you can delete records by clicking on the delete icon with one or multiple records being selected.
• Sharing records – after tidying your records you may wish to share records with the WildKnowledge Community. In order to do this, administrators must verify that the records are complete / suitable for sharing. Records can either be shared / verified by clicking on the ‘globe’ icon with one or multiple records being selected. Records can be verified by clicking on the verified box. Access to your records by others is, by default, governed by the general ‘sharing settings’ you created when setting up your account. However, these can be altered for individual/multiple records.

Records can also be sorted, searched and exported by any user:
• Sorting records - data can be sorted in ascending/descending order by clicking on any of the headings (when, where etc).
Searching records - data can be searched according to the results that have been provided for each of the field types e.g. you could search by user name, date, etc. Search results can be saved and given a name by completing the Save this search box found below the search criteria. These can then be loaded by clicking on the Report button and loading the appropriate search results.
Exporting records -if you wish to carry out further visualisations or analysis, data is exportable to spreadsheet programs such as Excel by using the CSV Export option and then downloading to a desktop.